
南京業禾網絡科技有限公司(以下(xià)簡稱“雲尚思維”),專注于生(shēng)物(wù)信息采集、多(duō)種生(shēng)物(wù)特征識别及比對、公安信息化綜合應用、大數 據綜合管理、軟硬件(jiàn)産品研發、計算(suàn)機(jī)深度學習等領域,利用大數據智能(néng)管理,結合多(duō)種生(shēng)物(wù)特征識别及比對,緻力于“智慧公安、智慧 監所、智慧樓宇”等整體解決方案的研發與服務。

雲尚思維公司技(jì)術(shù)包括多(duō)種生(shēng)物(wù)特征識别技(jì)術(shù)(指掌紋、人臉、DNA、虹膜、三維人臉、聲紋、足迹、筆迹、指靜(jìng)脈、掌靜(jìng)脈識别等)、 人員(yuán)生(shēng)物(wù)信息采集、公安刑偵信息化綜合應用、監所智能(néng)化建設和大數據綜合管理。


Nanjing yunshang thinking Network Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "yunshang thinking") focuses on biological informati on collection, multiple biometric identification and comparison, co mprehensive application of public security information, comprehensi ve management of big data, R & D of software and hardware products, in-depth computer learning and other fields. It is committed to "wi sdom" by using intelligent management of big data and combining mul tiple biometric identification and comparison R & D and service of overall solutions such as public security, intelligent supervision office and intelligent building.

The technology of yunshang thinking company includes a variety of bi ometric identification technologies (fingerprint, face, DNA, iris, 3D face, voiceprint, footprint, handwriting, finger vein, palm vein recognition, etc.), personnel biological information collection, co mprehensive application of public security criminal investigation i nformation, intelligent construction of Supervision Institute and c omprehensive management of big data.

The products are widely used in criminal investigation, entry and exit, school, prison and other fields.